Autumn Zodiac

De Elvenar Wiki BR
Revisão de 18h51min de 20 de setembro de 2019 por Naruto (discussão | contribs) (→‎Event Menu)
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Humanos e elfos sempre foram fascinados pelas constelações de estrelas do céu noturno outonal. Gerações antigas acreditavam que o mapa disposto nas estrelas representava mensagens secretas deixadas pelos Senhores Supremos para guiá-los a uma civilização avançada. Tragicamente, há muito tempo, todo o conhecimento sobre a leitura das estrelas estava perdido.

Até hoje, humanos e elfos têm trabalhado duro para decifrar as mensagens secretas dentro das constelações mais uma vez. E enquanto eles não estão nem perto de recuperar todo o conhecimento perdido, uma lenda antiga já foi descoberta. Esta lenda conta sobre a chegada de três ursos poderosos que trazem prosperidade, sabedoria e poder quando o alinhamento das estrelas os leva a uma cidade.

Este ano, os cidadãos de Unur podem estar com sorte, pois haverá uma ocorrência única! Pela primeira vez em muitos séculos, o posicionamento de estrelas e planetas será ideal e o céu noturno estará completamente claro. Seres humanos e elfos serão capazes de ler as mensagens secretas das estrelas corretamente, descobrir os mistérios dos ursos poderosos e levá-los à sua cidade? Ajude a resolver o enigma e seja muito recompensado!

Event Menu

Neste evento, você jogará uma linha de missões sem fim completamente nova. Cada missão concluída lhe dará Chaves de Ouro GoldenKeys.png como recompensa. Essas Chaves são adicionadas automaticamente ao seu menu de eventos. Com as chaves, você poderá abrir diferentes esferas para ganhar recompensas únicas e preciosas, incluindo prêmios diários exclusivos! Todas as esferas também contêm poeira estelarStarDust.png e você precisará dessa Poeira Estelar para desbloquear grandes prêmios, completando os signos do zodíaco.


Ao clicar no ícone Menu de Eventos, você acessará a Janela de Eventos, que fornecerá muitas informações e permitirá que você use as Chaves de Ouro coletadas:

Zodiac explain.png
  1. Indica o tempo restante para o evento.
  2. Mostra a recompensa diária exclusiva que você pode obter ao abrir as Esferas e por quanto tempo ela estará disponível antes de acabar.
  3. Mostra a quantidade de chaves de ouro GoldenKeys.png que você coletou e ainda não gastou.
  4. Permite comprar chaves de ouro com diamantes.
  5. Signos do Zodíaco: Ao coletar Poeira Estelar, você iluminará os Signos do Zodíaco e, quando todo o Signo do Zodíaco estiver aceso, o Grande Prêmio será desbloqueado. Você pode ver no signo do zodíaco quanto ainda falta de poeira estelar para alcançar a recompensa.
  6. Grandes prêmios a serem ganhos coletando 20 unidades de Poeira Estelar para cada um.
  7. Esferas para as quais você pode gastar suas Chaves de Ouro para ganhar uma recompensa e obter Poeira Estelar StarDust.png. Mostra quantas chaves de ouro são necessárias e quanto de Poeira Estelar você recebe com cada esfera.

Você também pode clicar no Helpbtto.png ícone para ver a informação da ajuda no zodíaco do outono.

Golden Keys

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You start the Autunm Zodiac Event with 50 Golden Keys GoldenKeys.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. From time to time you will also find more Golden Keys around your city for you to collect.

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You can then use the Golden Keys to open one of the Spheres which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Golden Keys.

Remember that the Autumn Zodiac Event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that you will no longer be able to use your Golden Keys to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Galactic Spheres

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You will be presented with 3 different Spheres to choose from! Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive reward. Other rewards can be Ancient Knowledge Instants, Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Time Booster, Portal Profit Instants, Rune Shards and even more Golden Keys. It all depends on how lucky you are! By opening the Spheres you will also get Stardust. Remember: Each Sphere will offer a different amount of Stardust for your Golden Keys, so choose carefully. Once you have opened a Sphere, the remaining Spheres will rotate and present you with a new selection.

Sample Galactic Spheres

Collecting Stardust

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When you unlock a Sphere, you will always win an amount of Stardust StarDust.png. Each Sphere will immediately give you a specific amount indicated in the top left.

Collecting the Stardust allows you to complete the Zodiac Sign and unlock Grand Prizes! Each Zodiac Sign requires 20 Stardust to complete. Once you have collected your Grand Prize, you can begin to collect Stardust for the next Zodiac Sign.

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After collecting the Daily Exclusive rewards and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Zodiac Signs

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When you open a Sphere, you add Stardust to the Zodiac Sign, lighting up the stars that form the constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows your progress towards the goal of the Grand Prize. This gives you a good indication how much Stardust is still needed until you get the next reward.

There are a several different Zodiac Signs for you to discover, so make sure to collect as much Stardust as possible!


Evolving Buildings

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Three new Evolving Pets are available in the Autumn Zodiac Event! Each bear can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power. If you want more information about Evolving Buildings, please see our dedicated page.

Brown Bear - Panda Bear - Polar Bear

Each bear provides different resources for your city, including Coins, Vallorian Guards or Crafted Goods Gds2p1.png (depending of your boost). As the bears evolve, they will start producing additional resources, such as Basic Goods, units or Mana and Seeds if you have advanced far enough in your Research. Additionally, each building has a Pet Food boost which, upon activation, triggers a particular effect:

  • Brown Bear - Unit production bonus
  • Polar Bear - Reduce cooldown of Tournament provinces
  • Panda Bear - Adds Marble, Steel and Planks for every Pet Food consumed while the Panda remains fed.

For more information on Evolving Buildings, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Grand Prizes & Expiring Buildings

Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize but, the real goal of this Event, is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.

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Grand Prizes include the Bear Artifact, which allows you to evolve Bears to the next level. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.

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But that's not all, as there are more awesome Prizes, including several Expiring Buildings that give you special rewards.

Wishing Well

The Wishing Well gives you a random reward every 12 hours, the Carting Library produces Knowledge Points, the Trading Outpost gives an exciting Portal Profit, which refills your capped Guest Race Goods once you have reached Chapter 6, and the Ferris Wheel Galore lets you produce Boosters, Knowledge Points or Broken Shards as you wish.

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Pet Food
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Pet Food is a special Enchantment designed specifically to feed your Pet Evolving Buildings. Applied directly to the building from your Enchantments tab, it activates a Pet Food Boost.

Look for the recipe in your Magic Academy's Crafting tab and craft it as your Pets become hungry again after their hard work to provide their boosts.

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