Upgrade System

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Sistema de Melhorias


No Elvenar, é possível melhorar quase todas as estruturas! Isto significa que, para ter estruturas mais avançadas, não será necessário remover ou substituir as antigas. Em vez disso, será necessário atualizar as estruturas existentes para um nível maior, de forma a melhorá-las.

A cada melhoria, a estrutura irá mudar a sua aparência, e as suas características serão também melhoradas. Para saber se uma melhoria está disponível, é necessário passar a seta do mouse sobre a estrutura e será exibida um pop-up com a informação.


Algumas melhorias aumentam o tamanho das suas estruturas. Nesses casos, antes de efetuar a melhoria da estrutura, terá de desbloquear a tecnologia necessária no menu de Pesquisa.

Dica:Nesta wiki, você poderá ver o tamanho necessário para cada estrutura em cada nível, na tabela de informações de estruturas.


If you have researched the technology but you don't have enough space to place the new upgraded building, its size will appear in red and a "Move and Upgrade" button will show. In this case, you may want to rearrange your city or place a new Expansion.


You can, at any time, use Diamonds to finish the Upgrade faster! For that, you need to click on the building while it is upgrading and select the "Finish" button. The amount of Diamonds you will spend is directly related to the remaining construction time.

You can also cancel your Upgrade by clicking the "Cancel Upgrade" button. By doing so, you will receive back what you have spent.


Costs and Requirements

Every upgrade has costs and requirements:

  • Costs: Most upgrades require Coins and Supplies, some even Goods.
  • Requirements: Every upgrade requires a builder until it is finished. You will also need some Culture, and most upgrades need available population as well. In addition, when the building increases its size, you may need to relocate it.

Hint:If you have enough Coins and Supplies for an upgrade but you are missing Goods, you can buy them for a certain amount of Diamonds. However you cannot use them to buy missing Coins or Supplies.

Buildings Sizes

Elvenar buildings have different shapes and sizes and whenever they are upgraded to a different class, they will take more space on your city map.

Medidas area.png

Since buildings in Elvenar will only expand along the front edge and left edge, when performing an upgrade that involves an increase in the size of the building you may still see a red field indicating that there is not enough room, even if you have enough space around the building to upgrade. In this case you will need to ‘Move and Upgrade’ even though the space is big enough.

Take a look at the image:

In this example, the planks manufactury on level 5 is 2X2 and will be 3X3 after the upgrade. You can also see that the size information is showing red, as if it didn't have enough space around it.


However if you take a closer look at the manufactory location, you will see that the required 3X3 space exists, but the building is close to the road on it's front. As buildings always upgrade from back to front, the available space is not recognized. In this situation you can either use the "move and upgrade" button when you start to upgrade a building or just place it from the start in the position it will take in the future.