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= Tribal Wars 2 Hovedside =
= Tribal Wars 2 Main Page =

Velkommen til Tribal Wars 2 sin hjelpeside!
Welcome to the Tribal Wars 2 Help page!

Disse dokumentene er designet for å hjelpe og veilede nye spillere, i tillegg til å gi detaljert informasjon om spillmekanismene og statistikk for våre veratan-entusiaster. Vi anbefaler våre lesere på det sterkeste å besøke vårt offentlige forum, da dette er en stor kilde for taktikk og spillerfaring. Denne hjelpesiden vil vise deg vei gjennom din spillopplevelse, med instruksjoner for alle aspekter i spillet.
These documents were designed to help and guide new players as well as provide detailed information about the game mechanics and stats for our veteran enthusiasts. We also strongly suggest our readers to visit your respective market forums as they are a huge source for tactics and in-game experience. This help site will help guide you through your gaming experience, with instructions on every aspect of the game.

== Kort forklaring av spillet ==
== Short explanation of the game ==

Tribal Wars 2 er et online spill satt i middelalderen. Hver spiller kontrollerer en liten landsby som kan vokse til å bringe berømmelse og makt. Under ditt lederskap vil din landsby vokse og blomstre.
Tribal Wars 2 is an online game set in medieval times. Each player controls a small village that can be grown to bring fame and power. Under your leadership your village will grow and prosper.

Men, din landsby er ikke den eneste som vokser. Overalt rundt deg har andre spillere det samme målet: å bli det største imperiet. Du må bruke troppene du rekrutterer til å vokse fra dine fiender, ved å stjele farme og plyndre deres landsbyer.
However, your village is not the only one that is growing. All around you other players have the same goal: to become the largest empire. You'll need to use the troops you recruit to outgrow your enemies, by looting and pillaging their villages.

Før eller senere vil du finne en stamme du kan bli med i, slik at du kan forene krefter for å støtte hverandre i nødens stund.
Sooner or later you will need to find a tribe to join, so you can band together to support each other in times of need.

Etter at du har ekspandert din landsby og gjort den så sterk som mulig, er det på tide å erobre andre landsbyer og bygge ditt imperium.
After you've expanded your village and made it as strong as possible it will be time to begin conquering other villages and building your empire.

'''Game Link:''' http://www.beta.Tribalwars2.com

'''Link til spillet:''' http://www.no.tribalwars2.com
'''Forum Link:''' http://www.Forum.beta.Tribalwars2.com

'''Link til forumet:''' http://www.forum.no.tribalwars2.com
'''Facebook:''' https://www.facebook.com/tribalwars2
'''Link til Facebook:''' https://www.facebook.com/tribalwars2

Edição das 20h47min de 25 de julho de 2014

Tribal Wars 2 Main Page

Paladin fp.png

Welcome to the Tribal Wars 2 Help page!

These documents were designed to help and guide new players as well as provide detailed information about the game mechanics and stats for our veteran enthusiasts. We also strongly suggest our readers to visit your respective market forums as they are a huge source for tactics and in-game experience. This help site will help guide you through your gaming experience, with instructions on every aspect of the game.

Short explanation of the game

Tribal Wars 2 is an online game set in medieval times. Each player controls a small village that can be grown to bring fame and power. Under your leadership your village will grow and prosper.

However, your village is not the only one that is growing. All around you other players have the same goal: to become the largest empire. You'll need to use the troops you recruit to outgrow your enemies, by looting and pillaging their villages.

Sooner or later you will need to find a tribe to join, so you can band together to support each other in times of need.

After you've expanded your village and made it as strong as possible it will be time to begin conquering other villages and building your empire.

Game Link: http://www.beta.Tribalwars2.com

Forum Link: http://www.Forum.beta.Tribalwars2.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tribalwars2